Monday, December 5, 2011

Grammy Pettengill’s Baked Beans

2 lbs Kidney Bean
½ tsp of baking soda
1 cup of white suga
½ cup of brown sugar
2 tsp of dry mustard
1 tsp of salt
1 tsp of pepper
1 quartered onion
1 lb of salt pork or bacon
1 bottle of ketchup

Soak beans overnight in plenty of water to cover 1-2 inches over. Add baking soda, stir in water. In the morning, put beans on the stove as they are. Bring to a boil and boil for 20-25 minutes. DON’T let them boil over.
Remove from the stove and drain while beans are draining take white sugar, brown sugar, dry mustard, salt, and pepper in a separate pan and add 2 cups of boiling water and stir ingredients until dissolved.
Put ½ beans in bottom of large baking pot. Add quartered onion and salt pork or bacon and a few squirts of ketchup. Add the rest of the beans and ½ cup of more ketchup. Pour mixture over this and add enough hot water to cover ½ inch over beans. Cover and bake at 325˚F for about six hours. You may need to add water as water boils down. Do not stir. At 3 hours taste and add sugar if not sweet enough. When they are soft they are done. They are even better the next day!

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